Restoration or purchase of a new part?

Today, most of the diesel injectors are produced by the following companies: Siemens, Bosch, Denso, as well as Delphi. Of course, they have competitors, but these four still occupy most of the market. For this reason, many, if not most, cars have injectors from these manufacturers. Why is this so important? The fact is that not all manufacturers' fuel equipment can be repaired. Let's figure it out:

▪️Bosch Common Rail. One of the most common nozzles at this time. It can be restored (restored) without any particular problems. Most often, the multiplier, saddle, rod fail. The last element is not subject to restoration (restoration). When repairing the nozzle, the atomizer is either changed or cleaned with ultrasound;

▪️ Denso Common Rail. Japanese injectors are increasingly installed on European cars. In terms of quality, they are significantly superior to analogues in their price category. Injectors are practically not subject to repair. Firstly, there are few spare parts for them. Secondly, only a good craftsman with a lot of experience can handle the assembly and disassembly of the part - there are many small parts in the injector, and special keys are needed to disassemble it;

▪️ Delphi Common Rail. In these nozzles, the valve often fails, a little less often - the sprayer. Both can sometimes be found in specialty stores, but you also have to order online. After cleaning and replacing parts, the motorist receives a new injector in the old housing. It will cost twice as cheap as buying a complete new part;

▪️ Piezoelectric injectors. Today, Bosch and Siemens have the most experience in creating new generation injectors. Injectors with piezo crystals are increasingly installed on new models of cars of European concerns. As a rule, the hydraulic accumulator fails in them. A little less often, the valve breaks and jams the sprayer. Piezoelectric injectors are easy to repair (the banal "took apart, replaced, assembled"), but spare parts for repair are rarely on sale.
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